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Amazing article, thanks, I will bookmark you soon.
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Im having a small problem. I cant get my reader to pickup your rss feed, Im using aol reader by the way.
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Most of the comments on this blog page dont make sense.
Just to let you know your webpage looks a little bit unusual on Safari on my notebook using Linux .
Wanted to drop a comment and let you know your Feed is not working today. I tried including it to my Bing reader account but got absolutely nothing.
This website is very good. How was it made .
Im having a small problem. I cant get my reader to pickup your feed, Im using aol reader by the way.
I experimented with viewing your site with my iphone and the layout does not seem to be correct. Might wanna check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cell phone layouts are not really working with your web page.
A cool post there mate . Thanks for it .
It appears to me that this web site doesnt load up on a Motorola Droid. Are other people getting the exact same issue? I like this web site and dont want to have to skip it any time Im away from my computer.
Awesome post . Thanks for, posting on this blog mate. I will email you soon. I didnt know that!
Odd , your site shows up with a dark hue to it, what color is the primary color on your site?
This website is extremely cool! How was it made ?
I tried looking at your blog on my mobile phone and the format doesnt seem to be correct. Might wanna check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cell phone layouts are not working with your web site.
Im having a teeny problem. I cant get my reader to pickup your feed, Im using bing reader by the way.